Friday, April 6, 2012

2012 Disney Movie Madness Tournament-And The Winner Is...

There's been 6 Rounds, 39 match ups, over 400 votes cast, and finally one champion has been crowned. The 2012 Disney Movie Madness Tournament is over. 

I have to be honest the final round was a bit anti-climatic in both the degree of Disney charisma attributed to both final participants and the number of votes cast. But nevertheless, to paraphrase a comment one  Facebook voter sent to me, the final match up required the making of "lemonade." 

Now let me state that the tournament winner is on my personal "top 5" Disney movie list but not at the top. It does have the single best supporting character in all of the Disney animated movie library (my apologies to Balloo the Bear). The voice over cast includes two of my favorite comedians. And, since the voting is over I can mention this, the story and characters have transitioned very well into the Disney Parks.

So if you haven't guessed by now it's it my pleasure to announce the winner of the 2012 Disney Madness Tournament: 

2012 Disney Movie Madness Champion
I would like to thank everyone who participated in this tournament. It was my second but the first where I asked others to vote. I really had fun tallying the votes and reading the reasons for your choices. Bringing out the Disney fan in anyone is always fun. 

Anytime I can get into a conversation about Disney, no matter if its face-to-face or through social media, I jump right in with near abandon. This year's tournament provided plenty of conversation

Congratulations to all who voted for "Finding Nemo" over the course of the entire tournament. You created a champion. 

Looking Toward Next Year
So now that this year's "madness" is over it's time to look toward 2013's Goofy Guy tournament. 
I have some lofty goals for next year's vote. First of I'm pretty certain that I am going to make it a "supporting characters" competition. There are plenty of them in the 50 plus Disney animated features. As a matter of fact next year there will probably be 64 contestants; which will require an additional preliminary round. 

I'd also like to set it up so that it's open to everyone on the Internet. I know this is possible because I've seen a site devoted to a Muppet Madness tournament. Over the next year I'm going to find out how to set up a tournament like it for myself. 

So there you have the last post of this year's Disney Movie Madness Tournament. Once again, thanks to all who participated. See you next year when once again you'll have the chance to support your favorite things about Disney. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

2012 Disney Movie Madness Tournament-The Championship Match Up

Well the voters in the 2012 Disney Movie Madness saved their biggest "upset" decisions for the "Fantasy Four" round of the tournament. I am sitting here looking at the two films that have made it to the Final Match Up and I can't believe it. 

Round 4 voting was not at all close. The pair of pictures that would be considered among the ultimate Disney classics were knocked out by a pair of unlikely "Cinderellas".

In it's Fantasy Four contest "The Lion King" (my pick to win the tournament from the beginning) was beaten by an almost 2-1 margin by "Finding Nemo"

Not even true love's kiss could rescue Snow White from a landslide defeat at the hands of 101 Dalmatians. I mean those precious spotted pups got 90% of the vote. 

So the final match up has been determined. 

Final Match Up: Finding Nemo VS 101 Dalmatians

You have until 10PM CDT Thursday April 5 to get your votes to me by way of Facebook message or email ( That's when I'll tally the ballots and a champion will be crowned. Do your part to make sure it's your favorite finalist. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

2012 Disney Movie Madness Tournament-The Fantasy Four

Round 3 of this years tournament is the first of two rounds where movies can become champions. In the closest voting of the entire tournament the Bracket Winners have been chosen. 3 out of 4 of the races were decided by 1 vote. For the first time in the tournament I had to cast the deciding vote in, not just one, but two races. There was only one "landslide" winner in Round 3. 

Here are the Bracket Champions:

Pixar: Finding Nemo
2nd Golden Age: The Lion King
Story Book: Snow White
Animal Tales: 101 Dalmatians

I must say that I agree with 3 of the 4 choices. I am extremely disappointed that The Jungle Book didn't make it to the Semi-Finals. My vote for Mogli, Balloo and company left the movie's tally 1 vote short. But no use 

So now it's onto the "Fantasy Four" Here are the Match Ups: 

Semi-Final 1: Finding Nemo VS Lion King: This is a contest between the two films that will decide which will represent the "After Walt" era of Disney animation in the tournament championship match up. 

Semi-Final 2: Snow White VS 101 Dalmatians: Walt Disney produced both of these Finalists. They will represent his legacy in this tournament. One of these films has been the overwhelming choice in all rounds so far. I won't mention which one it is but I don't see the pattern changing in this round at all. 

There you have your match ups. You have until 10PM Tuesday night April 3 to cast your vote. Choose who you want to be the last 2 movies standing. Get your choices to me by message on FB or emailing me at

A tournament winner is on the horizon. All you have to do is let your vote make that film the winner of Disney Movie Madness.