Friday, November 18, 2011

A Birthday & A Good-bye

Today is a significant day in the Disney universe. It is a day to both celebrate and lament.
The occasion for celebration is the 93rd birthday of Mickey Mouse. The date of his “birth” is based on the release of his first cartoon short, on November 18, 1928; Steamboat Willie. I celebrated the day by wearing a new Mickey t-shirt to work.
I may be a “Goofy Guy” but I have to admit I have a real soft spot for “the mouse.” He represents all that is Disney. As I heard a Disney creative artist say in an interview recently, Mickey is Walt Disney. He’s an immortal extension of the man who started all that has become Disney, with just his dreams. While for the first two decades Walt was Mickey’s voice. Mickey continues to be Walt’s voice. Happy Birthday Mickey.
The lamenting I mentioned comes for those fans of the nationally syndicated morning talk show, Live with Regis and Kelly. A show that’s distributed by the ABC TV network, which, as you probably know, is a Disney owned company.
Today was the last appearance for co-host Regis Philbin. The 80 year old TV legend, who holds the world record for number of hours on television, over 17,000, is leaving the program. Philbin is emphatic about the fact that he’s not retiring, He insists that he’s just “moving on”.

During his last show, Regis was given a honor direct from Walt Disney Company, Bob Iger.The CEO appeared on the final minutes of the show to announce that a plaque commemorating Regis and his career at the ABC TV studios would be permanently displayed in the doorway of the building of ABC's building on Lincoln Square in New York City. 
I can’t say I’m really a fan of Regis but I have enjoyed the 15 minutes of “host talk” between co-host Kelly Ripa and him at the beginning of the each show. The chemistry between the two of them is so unique that in the past when I turned on the show and one of them was not there I didn’t’ watch. I don’t know how I’m going to feel about the show now that Regis is gone for good.

As I thought about these two cultural icons today I remembed that today isn't  the first time these two giants in the Disney in the universe have shared the spotlight together. For 17 years (1991-2008) Regis co-hosted the Walt Disney World Christmas Day Parade. And of course, no parade in Walt Disney World would be complete without an appearance by the head mouse. (see picture below) In addition of the "Live" program broadcast on location from the Magic Kingdom several times over the years. 

I personally have seen something rather unique that also brings Mickey and Regis together. I saw it during my first trip to Walt Disney World in 2004. Here’s a picture of it.

It’s a statue commemorating Mickey’s 75th birthday customized by Kelly Ripa (notice the “Live” show logo on the mug Mickey’s holding). There were 75 of these statues made that year by each designed by a different celebrity or athlete or otherwise "famous" person. I took this picture along with shots of the others I saw outside the gates at the end of our wonderful first day ever in the Magic Kingdom. The lights around the top of the train station in the back ground really give this picture a special Disney World look to it. I'd like to say I staged this picture to be that way but it was just a "magical" coincidence.

It’s just an interesting thing that in 2004 Mickey & Regis were together on a statue and today, nearly 12 years later, they’re together again because of special occasions on the same day.
Once again, Happy 93rd Mickey and many more.  Congratulations on a great run with “Live” Regis. Looking forward to seeing you again soon.